If you have any questions or difficulties in preparing the required documents to meet the entry requirements, please contact our staff at the Office of International Affairs by email: iro@umsida.ac.id. We will guide you through the admission process.
There are many good reasons for you to choose Indonesia, especially Sidoarjo, as a destination city to continue your studies in higher education.
Getting Accommodation
Getting a comfortable accommodation like a second home is essential to maintain your motivation and enthusiasm while studying at umsida and living in Sidoarjo.
We provide many facilities to support and give you a new experience in Sidoarjo.
Campus Facilities
Complete facilities are an important element to support the academic activities and the creation of a conducive learning environment in campus.
In order to strengthen the internationalization Umsida and actively involved in international activities, Umsida established the International Relation Officer (Kantor Urusan Internasional), with the roles as followed: (1) assessing and implementing international cooperation intensively with abroad partner university, (2) providing student services for international students in area of immigration issues, campus orientation, academic advice from their arrival to departure date, (3) assisting lectures and students of Umsida who are participating collaborative program with abroad partner university, and (4) providing services and advices for foreign lectures and researches who will be affiliate or collaborate with Umsida.
International Relation Officer (IRO)
Main Campus Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (Umsida),
Jl. Majapahit 666 Sidoarjo Jawa Timur Indonesia
Telephone : 031-8945444 (hotline)
E-mail : iro@umsida.ac.id