[:id]Umsida.ac.id – Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo gelar pelantikan dan sumpah profesi mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan (Fikes). Dihadiri setidaknya 23 Ahli Madya Kebidanan dan 35 Ahli Teknologi Laboratorium Medik (TLM), acara yang digelar di Aula Siti Khodijah ini berlangsung meriah (16/10). Wali bidan Djauharoh Mkes memimpin langsung sumpah bagi lulusan bidan sementara Ketua I Dewan Pimpinan Wilayah PATELKI Jawa Timur Suripto ST MKes Sumpah ini dilakukan sebagai persyaratan guna pengurusan Surat Tanda Registrasi (STR) bagi tenaga kesehatan.
Acara yang dihadiri langsung oleh Rektor, Wakil Rektor, Direktur Akademik, Dekar serta seluruh dosen Fikes ini juga menghadirkan Ketua Organisasi Profesi Ikatan Bidan Indonesia (IBI) Cabang Sidoarjo dan Ketua I Dewan Pimpinan Wilayah Persatuan Ahli Teknologi Laboratorium Medik Indonesia (PATELKI), serta para Klinis Instruktur dari Lahan praktik.
Roma Dinda Fadilah,Amd Keb berhasil menjadi mahasiswa terbaik dari Program Studi Kebidanan dengan IPK 3,78 serta mahasiswa terbaik dari Program Studi Teknologi Laboratorium Medik diraih oleh Nurul Azizah dengan IPK 3,86.
Dalam kesempatannya, Rektor Umsida Dr Hidayatullah Msi menyampaikan ucapan selamat kepada seluruh bidan dan ATLM yang baru dilantik atas keberhasilannya menempuh pendidikan di Umsida khususnya di Fikes. “Semoga apa yang didapat selama tiga sampai empat tahun ini memberikan bekal yang cukup, dan tentunya bekal itu harus dikembangkan untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi masyarakat luas,” ujarnya. Hal senada juga disampaikan oleh Dekan Fikes SMF Hanum S ST MM M Kes , dalam laporan pendidikan ia menyampaikan perkembangan yang cukup signifikan dari Fikes yakni telah memiliki 5 prodi dengan berbagai prestasi yang dicapai mahasiswa.
Acara tersebut diakhiri dengan kegiatan yang menarik yakni launching senam Germas (Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat) yang dipimpin mahasiwa TLM semester tiga. Semua yang hadir dalam acara ini diarahkan MC untuk mengikuti gerakan senam Germas dengan alunan lagu yang tengah viral saat ini “Entah apa yang Merasukimu”. (Real)[:en]Umsida.ac.id – Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo holds the inauguration and oath of profession of the Faculty of Health (Fikes) students. Attended by at least 23 Midwifery Experts and 35 Medical Laboratory Technology Experts (TLM), the event which was held at the Siti Khodijah Hall was lively (16/10). The guardian of the midwife Djauharoh Mkes directly took the oath for the midwife graduates while the Chairman of the Regional Leadership Board of PATELKI East Java Suripto ST MKes This oath was carried out as a requirement for the administration of Registration Certificate (STR) for health workers. The event which was attended directly by the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor, Academic Director, Dekar and all Fikes lecturers also presented the Chairperson of the Indonesian Midwives Association Professional Association (IBI) Sidoarjo Branch and Chair I Regional Leadership Board of the Indonesian Medical Laboratory Technology Expert Association (PATELKI), as well as the Clinical Instructor of the practice land. Roma Dinda Fadilah, Amd Keb managed to become the best student of the Midwifery Study Program with a GPA of 3.78 and the best student of the Medical Laboratory Technology Study Program won by Nurul Azizah with a GPA of 3.86. On the occasion, the Rector of Umsida Dr. Hidayatullah Msi expressed his congratulations to all midwives and the newly installed ATLM for their successful education in Umsida especially at Fikes. “Hopefully what we get for three to four years will provide sufficient provisions, and of course that provision must be developed to provide the best service for the wider community,” he said. The same thing was also conveyed by the Dean of Fikes SMF Hanum S ST MM M Kes, in his education report he conveyed a significant development of Fikes which has had 5 study programs with various achievements by students. The event ended with an interesting activity which was the launching of the Germas Gymnastics (Healthy Living Community Movement) led by third semester students of TLM. All those present at the event were directed by the MC to follow the Germas gymnastic movements with the strains of songs that are currently viral “I don’t know what got into you”. (Real)[:]