UMSIDA menerima kunjungan Santivit Songkhla college Thailand selatan (3/8/2019). Rombongan perwakilan yang dipimpin oleh Ustad Rozee ini, dalam rangka melihat mahasiswa Thailand yang sedang mengikuti perkuliahan. Mahasiswa asing asal Thailand mengikuti kuliah di UMSIDA sesuai dengan peminatan mereka, diantaranya program studi pendidikan bahasa inggris, program studi pendidikan bahasa arab, dan program studi perbankan syariah. Kunjungan yang diwakili oleh Dr. Mangsod Mateh selaku manager Santivit Songkhla college diterima oleh Hana Catur Wahyuni, MT selaku wakil rektor 1 UMSIDA. bertempat di kampus 1 UMSIDA, mereka menyatakan kepuasan akan kualitas pendidikan yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa asing asal Thailand. Kebanggaan akan keberhasilan ini diungkapkan oleh ustad Rozee perwakilan Abroad Alumni Association, ” Alumni UMSIDA dari Thailand mampu memberikan kontribusi bagi negaranya,” ujarnya. Ditandai dengan keberhasilan Alumni asal thailand dalam mengisi posisi strategis dalam bidang ketenagakerjaan setelah mereka lulus.
Ungkapan terima kasih atas kerjasama yang terjalin diberikan oleh pihak Santivit Songkhla College. Dimana selama mahasiswa asing asal Thailand menimba ilmu di UMSIDA, mereka mendapatkan fasilitas pendidikan yang baik. Bahkan beberapa diantaranya mendapatkan beasiswa penuh yang tidak hanya menyangkut masa studi, namun juga biaya hidup. Komitmen Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo untuk menjadi universitas bertaraf internasional mampu meningkatkan sumber daya mahasiswa dalam menghadapi kompetensi dunia kerja. Karena wawasan keilmuan yang semakin bertambah. Sedangkan, bagi lembaga penting melakukan kerjasama kemitraan untuk meningkatkan kualitas kompetensi mahasiswa kedua belah pihak.
Tidak hanya menyampaikan kebanggaan akan lulusannya, Dr. Mangsod Mateh mengungkapkan akan menjalin kerjasama terkait dengan peningkatan kualitas mahasiswa. “Rencana ke depan kerjasama akan dikembangkan di fakultas tekhnik berupa pengiriman mahasiswa magang ke Thailand dengan rentang waktu satu bulan”,jelasnya. Hana Catur Wahyuni, MT selaku wakil rektor bidang akademik akademik menyambut baik tawaran tersebut. “Semoga kerjasama ini memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap mahasiswa di kedua belah pihak,”ujarnya. Karena ke depannya kebutuhan kompetensi mahasiswa di dunia kerja semakin kompleks.[:en]
UMSIDA received a visit from Santivit Songkhla college in southern Thailand (3/8/2019). The delegation, led by Ustad Rozee, was in order to see Thai students who were attending lectures. Foreign students from Thailand attend lectures at UMSIDA according to their specialization, including English language study programs, Arabic language study programs, and Islamic banking study programs. The visit represented by Dr. Mangsod Mateh as manager of Santivit Songkhla college was accepted by Hana Catur Wahyuni, MT as deputy rector 1 of UMSIDA. Located on campus 1 of UMSIDA, they expressed satisfaction with the quality of education provided to foreign students from Thailand. Pride of this success was expressed by Ustadz Rozee, representative of the Abroad Alumni Association, "UMSIDA Alumni from Thailand were able to contribute to their country," he said. Marked by the success of alumni from Thailand in filling strategic positions in the field of employment after they graduate.
The expression of gratitude for the collaboration was given by Santivit Songkhla College. Where as long as foreign students from Thailand study at UMSIDA, they get good educational facilities. Some of them even got full scholarships which not only involved the period of study, but also the cost of living. The commitment of the Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo to become an international university is able to increase student resources in facing work world competencies. Because scientific insight is increasing. Meanwhile, it is important for institutions to collaborate in partnership to improve the quality of student competencies of both parties.
Not only conveying the pride of the graduates, Dr. Mangsod Mateh revealed that he would establish cooperation related to improving the quality of students. "Future plans for cooperation will be developed in the technical faculty in the form of sending internship students to Thailand with a span of one month," he explained. Hana Catur Wahyuni, MT as the vice chancellor in the academic field welcomed the offer. "Hopefully this collaboration will make a positive contribution to students on both sides," he said. Because in the future the competency needs of students in the workforce are increasingly complex.