[:id]Umsida.ac.id – Peduli kondisi umat dan bangsa, Himpunan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Agama Islam gelar seminar bertajuk Seminar Pancasila, Islam dan Sekularisme. Menghadirkan Mochammad Loetfi SH sebagai pembicara, acara yang dimoderatori langsung oleh Muhammad Auliya Rahman, Ketua BEM Fakultas Agama Islam Periode 2018-2019 lalu tersebut mengupas tuntang tentang asal mula sekularisme hingga pandangan Islam terhadap sekularisme itu sendiri. Dalam kesempatannya, Mochammad Loetfi SH mengatakan, “Ini penting sekali untuk dipahami, agar sebagai mahasiswa sekaligus calon pemimpin umat dimasa mendatang tau apa yang harus dilakukan dalam menghadapi arus sekularisme yang kencang seperti sekarang ini,” ujarnya.
Kondisi terkini tentang negara dan Islam yang menarik perhatian tersendiri bagi masyarakat sehingga perlu dilakukannya edukasi terhadap masyarakat,khususnya generasi millenial. “Ada yang mengatakan, jangan mencampur-baurkan politik dan agama,” ujarnya. Hal ini tentu saja patut diluruskan, menurut Pria yang kini aktif membantu tugas dakwah Majelis Tabligh Muhammadiyah Mojokerto di Kab. Mojokerto.
Hal senada juga diungkapkan ketua pelaksana seminar, Akhmad Halim Ilmanto. Menurutnya, tema ini sangat penting dibahas setelah melalui pengkajian terhadap kondisi lapangan pemuda bangsa, sehingga dirasa perlu adanya ladang kajian ilmu yang berkaitan dengan mata kuliah pancasila yang ada di perguruan tinggi muhammadiyah. Dalam kesempatannya ia mengatakan, “Saat ini krisis ideologi pemuda bangsa yang hanya ikut ikutan tanpa tau sebabnya. Terutama keadaan pemuda beragama, yang makin lama makin acuh tak acuh dengan kondisi sekitar, bahkan kondisi Agamanya sendiri,” pungkasnya. Muadz Ahmad, Ketua HIMA PAI juga berharap agar seminar tersebut bukan hanya ajang mencari Point Sistem Kredit Ekstrakulikuler (SKEK) yang menjadi syarat kelulusan mahasiswa Umsida, namun diharapkan juga para mahasiswa dapat mengambil ilmu yang disampaikan pemateri dan terus mengembangkan potensi diri, serta memahami betul islam tidak bisa dipisahkan dari kebangsaan. (Real)[:en]Umsida.ac.id – Concerned about the condition of the people and the nation, the Islamic Education Student Association held a seminar titled Pancasila, Islam and Secularism Seminars. Presenting Mochammad Loetfi SH as a speaker, the event which was moderated directly by Muhammad Auliya Rahman, Chairman of the BEM of the Faculty of Islam in the 2018-2019 period then discussed thoroughly the origin of secularism to the Islamic view of secularism itself. On his occasion, Mochammad Loetfi SH said, “This is very important to understand, so as students and future leaders of the ummah know what to do in the face of the current strong secularism,” he said.
The current condition of the state and Islam that attracts its own attention for the community so that it is necessary to educate the community, especially the millennial generation. “Some say, don’t mix politics and religion,” he said. This is certainly worth clarifying, according to Men who are now actively helping the missionary task of the Muhammadiyah Tabligh Council in Mojokerto in Kab. Mojokerto.
A similar sentiment was also expressed by the head of the seminar’s organizer, Akhmad Halim Ilmanto. According to him, this theme is very important to be discussed after going through an assessment of the conditions of the nation’s youth field, so it was felt the need for a field of science studies related to the Pancasila courses in Muhammadiyah colleges. On his occasion he said, “At present the ideology of youth crisis of the nation which only joined in without knowing why. Especially the condition of religious youth, who are increasingly indifferent to the conditions around, even the condition of his own religion, “he concluded. Muadz Ahmad, Chairperson of HIMA PAI also hopes that the seminar will not only be an event to look for Extracurricular Credit System Points (SKEK) which are the conditions for graduating Umsida students, but also students are expected to take the knowledge delivered by the speaker and continue to develop their potential, and fully understand Islam cannot be separated from nationality. (Real)[:]