[:id]Umsida.ac.id – Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan (Kemenko PMK) Faozan Amar SAg MM, hadir dalam Sosialisasi dan Penguatan Negara Pancasila sebagai Darul ‘Ahdi Wasy-Syahadah yang diselenggarakan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Sabtu (19/10).
Dalam kesempatannya, Faozan Amar memaparkan perihal pengamalan sila ke-5 pada Muhammadiyah,
“Sila kelima diamalkan oleh Muhammadiyah yakni amal usaha Muhammadiyah didirikan untuk meluaskan dakwah dan keadilan social ekonomi, sehingga dapat dirasakan oleh seluruh anak bangsa,” paparnya.
Dalam sosialisasi tersebut, ia juga menanggapi persoalan pancasila yang masih ditentang,
“Ada tiga alasan yang dikemukakan oleh penentang, yang pertama adalah alasan teknologis, mereka berpandangan dan berkeyakinan bahwa pancasila adalah thaghut dan system Negara Pancasila adalah kafir. Kedua, alasan empiris bahwa negara islam yang maju, adil, dan makmur, sedangkan Indonesia yang berdasarkan Pancasila justru miskin, terbelakang, tidak adil, dan sebagainya. Ketiga, alasan historis bahwa umat islam pernah meraih kejayaan pada abad pertengahan di bawah system islam dan khalifah, ujar Faozan.
Maka, perlu adanya solusi atas persoalan tersebut, “Perlu adanya keteladanan dari para elit, pemimpin formal maupun non formal dalam pengamalan pancasila,”imbuhnya. (erika)[:en]
Umsida.ac.id - The Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) Faozan Amar, was present at the Socialization and Strengthening of the Pancasila State as Darul ‘Ahdi Wasy-Syahadah organized by the Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo, Saturday (19/10).
On his occasion, Faozan Amar explained the practice of the 5th precepts of the Muhammadiyah,
"The fifth precept is practiced by Muhammadiyah, that is, Muhammadiyah's charitable efforts were established to expand da'wah and social economic justice, so that it can be felt by all the children of the nation," he explained.
In the socialization, he also responded to the issue of Pancasila which was still opposed,
"There are three reasons put forward by the opponents, the first is technological reasons, they are of the view and believe that the Pancasila is the Thaghut and the Pancasila State system is the infidel. Second, the empirical reason is that the Islamic state is developed, just and prosperous, while Indonesia based on Pancasila is poor, backward, unjust, and so on. Third, the historical reason that Muslims have achieved glory in the Middle Ages under the Islamic system and the Caliph, said Faozan.
So, there needs to be a solution to the problem, "There needs to be an example of the elite, formal and informal leaders in practicing Pancasila," he added. (erika)