[:id]Umsida.ac.id – Sebagai tindak lanjut audisi Master of Ceremony (MC) yang dilakukan pada tanggal 30 September lalu, tim hubungan masyarakat (Humas) Umsida adakan pelatihan MC di Aula KH Mas Mansyur GKB2 kampus 1, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (11/10).
Pembawa acara atau yang akrab dipanggil MC ialah syarat utama lancarnya sebuah acara. MC yang berkualitas akan membuat acara lebih hidup dan berwarna.
Pelatihan yang diselenggarakan selama dua sesi ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan potensi mahasiswa terutama di bidang tarik suara yang berhubungan dengan bahasa.
“Untuk mencari kader-kader terbaik yang masih semester awal terutama semester satu supaya berkalaborasi dengan kegiatan kampus. Karena mengingat banyaknya acara di kampus, tapi minim MC,” ungkap Dian Rahmawati Santoso SPd MPd, ketua pelaksana.
Selain olah vokal, pelatihan yang dihadiri tiga belas peserta ini juga diarahkan bagaimana cara berpenampilan yang elegan, tetapi tetap anggun oleh ketua pelaksana.
Dian berharap setelah pelatihan ini, peserta dapat bermanfaat bagi fakultas dan pihak kampus. (iis/inka)[:en]
- Umsida.ac.id – As a follow up to the Master of Ceremony (MC) audition conducted on 30 September, the public relations team (Humas) Umsida held an MC training in the KH Mas Mansyur Hall GKB2 Campus 1, Muhammadiyah University Sidoarjo (11/10) .
The host or what is commonly called an MC is the main condition for the smooth running of an event. Quality MC will make the event more lively and colorful.
The training which was held during the two sessions aimed at increasing the potential of students, especially in the field of singing related to language.
“To look for the best cadres who are still in the first semester, especially the first semester, in order to collaborate with campus activities. Because there are many events on campus, there are minimal MCs,” said Dian Rahmawati Santoso SPd MPd, chief executive.
In addition to vocals, the training which was attended by thirteen participants was also directed on how to look elegant, but still elegant by the chief executive.
Dian hoped that after this training, the participants could be useful for the faculty and the campus. (iis / inka)