[:id]Umsida.ac.id – Laily Nur Mintani, mahasiswa Administrasi Publik berhasil meraih gelar sarjana terbaik (27/10). ia mengaku kaget ketika dinyatakan meraih prestasi tersebut, “Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah dengan izin Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala yg telah memudahkan urusan hambaNya, dimana ada kesulitan disitu ada kemudahan selama ingin terus berikhtiar,” ujar wisudawan putri bapak Sutasmin ini dan almarhumah Tiani ini.
Mengangkat tema pelayanan public dalam skripsinya, Wisudawan yang tengah menanti kelahiran sang buah hati ini berharapan bisa menjadi saran dan masukan agar pelayanan publik lebih maju, khususnya di daerah Sidoarjo. Selain kuliah, wisudawan dengan IPK 3,79 ini tercatat sebagai bendahara Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Administrasi public. Meski tidak mudah menjalani rutinitas perkuliahan, aktif di Organisasi dan mengerjakan skripsi dalam kondisi hamil, rupanya Laily Nur Mintani punya tips khusus yang dengan senang hati ia bagikan untuk teman teman mahasiswa Umsida,”Disetiap kesulitan pasti ada kemudahan, terus berusaha dan khusnudzon dengan apa yang dikehendakiNya, inshaAllah lancar segala urusan,” pungkasnya.
Laily juga berpesan pada teman teman mahasiswa Umsida untuk senantiasa menebar manfaat bagi orang lain, “Jadilah pohon yang tinggi, namun tetap rindang artinya jadilah dirimu menggapai prestasi setingginya. Akan tetapi, belajarlah untuk selalu berusaha bermanfaat bagi oranglain. Itu lah keberhasilan yg sesungguhnya,” ujarnya. (iis/real)
[:en]Umsida.ac.id – Laily Nur Mintani, a student of Public Administration, won the best bachelor’s degree (27/10). She claimed to be shocked when he was declared to have achieved this achievement, “Alhamdulillah wa thank God with the permission of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala who has facilitated the affairs of Her servants, where there is difficulty there is ease as long as he wants to continue working,” said the graduate daughter of the father of Sutasmin and this deceased Tiani.
Raising the theme of public service in her thesis, the graduate who is waiting for the birth of the baby hopes that she can be a suggestion and input for more advanced public services, especially in the Sidoarjo area. In addition to lectures, the graduate with a GPA of 3.79 is listed as treasurer of the Public Administration Department Student Association. Although it is not easy to go through the routine of lectures, be active in the Organization and work on a thesis in a pregnant condition, apparently Laily Nur Mintani has special tips that she is happy to share with her Umsida student friends, “In every difficulty there is certainly ease, keep trying and khusnudzon with what is he wanted, inshaAllah smoothly all matters, ” she concluded. Laily also advised Umsida’s student friends to always spread benefits for others, “Be a tall tree, but still shady it means to be yourself reaching the highest achievement. However, learn to always try to be useful for other people. That is the real success, “she said. (Iis / real)[:]