[:id]Capaian Kinerja Umsida yang memukau di tahun akademik 2018/2019 tidak menjadikan civitas akademika Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (Umsida) terlena dan duduk santai. Masih banyak pekerjaan demi mewujudkan cita-cita Umsida untuk menjadi kampus yang terekognisi ASEAN.
Menuju cita-cita itu, jajaran Badan Pembina Harian (BPH) tak lepas tangan. Ketua BPH Umsida Prof Achmad Jainuri MA PhD menekankan civitas akademika Umsida untuk menjaga komitmen di berbagai aspek di Batu (23/8/2019).
Ayah tiga anak itu mengawali dari aspek Akademik, “Dosen harus melakukan proses pembelajaran, penelitian, pengabdian, dan memberikan suasana akademik yang baik kepada mahasiswanya. Ini bisa dilihat dari berkurangnya angka drop out,” ujarnya memotivasi agar para dekan kaprodi menghimbau para dosen untuk memberikan pelayanan akademik terbaik untuk mahasiswa.
Dosen Umsida juga harus mampu mensinergikan Al Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan di sela-sela mengajar, “Umsida ini kan Amal Usaha Muhammadiyah, ladang dakwah muhammadiyah di bidang pendidikan, maka perlu mendakwahkan ajaran islam sesuai dengan ide besar Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan,” terangnya.
“Maka dari itu dosen perlu mengaji, nggak perlu lama-lama sehari ngaji satu jam atau setengah jam setelah Subuh. Dosen dan dan tenaga kependidikan (tendik) wajib mengamalkan ajaran-ajaran Al Quran dalam keseharian bekerja di Umsida,” serunya disambut senyum audiens.
Tak hanya itu, kakek lima cucu ini juga menyampaikan penguatan sumber daya manusia, sumber dana, sarana-pra sarana dan kerjasama kepada jajaran struktural yang hadir di aula hotel Spencer Green Kota Batu, “Pengembangan SDM yang sangat diperlukan, untuk biaya studi lanjut, maka harus ada pemasukan di Luar SPP mahasiswa,” tuturnya.
Sarana dan prasarana pun disorot, Rektor kedua Umsida ini berpesan, “Banyak ruang-ruang di kampus yang harus dibenahi agar tampak lebih indah, terutama kampus 2,” ucapnya. “Fasilitas di dalam kampus harus lengkap, supaya tidak membeli di luar seperti makanan, ATK dan sebagainya,” terangnya.
Terpenting adalah kerjasama, “Pimpinan Umsida harus terus meningkatkan komunikasi dan koordinasi dengan PWM, pimpinan persyarikatan, BPH, dan memperbanyak jejaring untuk mempermudah jalinan kerjasama dalam dan luar negeri,” tegasnya. (Dian)
[:en]Umsida’s outstanding performance in the 2018/2019 academic year did not make the academic community of the University of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (Umsida) fall asleep and sit relaxed. There is still a lot of work to realize Umsida’s ambition to become an ASEAN-recognized campus.
Towards that goal, the ranks of the Daily Board of Trustees (BPH) did not get out of hand. Chairman of the BPH Umsida Prof. Achmad Jainuri MA PhD emphasized Umsida’s academic community to maintain commitments in various aspects in Batu (8/23/2019).
The father of three children started from the Academic aspect, “Lecturers must carry out the process of learning, research, service, and provide a good academic atmosphere to their students. This can be seen from the reduction in dropout rates, “he said motivating the dean of study programs to encourage lecturers to provide the best academic services for students.
Umsida lecturers must also be able to synergize Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan on the sidelines of teaching, “Umsida is Muhammadiyah’s Charity Efforts, Muhammadiyah propaganda fields in the field of education, so it is necessary to preach Islamic teachings in accordance with the great ideas of Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan,” he explained.
“Therefore the lecturer needs to recite the Quran, no need to take a day to make an hour or half an hour after dawn. Lecturers and education staff (Tendik) are obliged to practice the teachings of the Koran in their daily work at Umsida, “he exclaimed with the smile of the audience.
Not only that, the grandfather of five grandchildren also conveyed the strengthening of human resources, sources of funds, pre-facilities and cooperation to the structural ranks that were present in the Spencer Green hotel hall in Batu City, “Human Resources Development is very much needed, for further study costs, there must be income outside the student tuition fee, “he said.
Facilities and infrastructure were also highlighted, the second Chancellor of Umsida gave the message, “There are a lot of spaces on campus that need to be improved so that they look more beautiful, especially campus 2,” he said. “Facilities on campus must be complete, so as not to buy outside such as food, stationery and so on,” he explained.
The most important thing is cooperation, “Umsida leaders must continue to improve communication and coordination with PWM, leadership of the trust, BPH, and expand networks to facilitate the fabric of cooperation at home and abroad,” he said. (Dian)