[:id]umsida.ac.id – Hafshah Putri Rosyidi atau yang akrab disapa Hafshah, berhasil menyelesaikan program S1 Fakultas Agama Islam dengan IPK 3.75. Hafshah berhasil mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai wisudawan terbaik S1 Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (Umsida).
“Judul Skripsi yang saya ambil yaitu Peran Bank Sampah Syariah Sumringah dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat (Perspektif Maqashid Syariah),” jelasnya.
Walaupun saat pengajuan judul skripsi Hafshah mengalami down karena judulnya dianggap sebelah mata, dia pantang menyerah. Berkat tekad dan support dari dosen pembimbing, Hafshah bisa menyelesaikan skripsinya dengan baik.
“Semoga apa yang saya tulis, pikirkan dan fokuskan bukan sebuah kesalahan, mungkin yang harus dibenarkan, selagi ada pembelajaran lebih lanjut,” ungkapnya.
Selain menjadi mahasiswa, Hafshah juga berprofesi sebagai Public Speaking MC , dia berharap walaupun sudah lulus, tetap bisa mengembangkan skill tersebut. Sebab ketika menjadi MC, dia merasakan itu sebagai jati dirinya.
Hafshah menyampaikan pesan dan kesan selama berkuliah di Umsida, “Alhamdulillah suatu kehormatan tersendiri bagi saya yang ditunjuk sebagai salah satu wisudawan terbaik periode kali ini. Semoga penghargaan ini tidak membuat saya berpuas diri,” tuturnya. (linda/inka)[:en]umsida.ac.id – Hafshah Putri Rosyidi, or who is familiarly called Hafshah, successfully completed the S1 Faculty of Islamic Studies program with a GPA of 3.75. Hafshah managed to get an award as the best graduate of the University of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (Umsida) S1.
“The title of the Thesis I took is the Role of Sumringah Sharia Bank in Efforts to Increase Community Welfare (Sharia Maqashid Perspective),” he explained.
Although when submitting the title of the thesis Hafshah was down because the title was considered one-sided, he never gave up. Thanks to the determination and support of the supervisor, Hafshah was able to complete the thesis well.
“Hopefully what I write, think and focus is not a mistake, maybe that must be justified, while there is further learning,” he said.
Aside from being a student, Hafshah also works as a Public Speaking MC, he hopes that even though he has graduated, he can still develop these skills. Because when he was the MC, he felt that as his true identity.
Hafshah conveyed his message and impression during his studies at Umsida, “Alhamdulillah, it is an honor for me to be appointed as one of the best graduates of this period. Hopefully this award does not make me complacent, “he said. (linda / inka)[:]