[:id]umsida.ac.id – Civitas akademika Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan berhasil menorehkan prestasi di bidang penelitian. Puspitasari SST MPH menerima penghargaan terbaik kedua dengan judul penelitian Analisis kualitas preparasi sampel DNA untuk pemeriksaan Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Penghargaan diberikan langsung oleh Rektor Umsida Dr Hidayatullah M Si pada rapat akademik semester gasal 2019/2020 yang digelar di aula Mas Mansur kampus satu Umsida pada (29/8/2019).
“Saya ingin mengoptimalkan treatment sampel untuk pemeriksaan DM secara molekuler sejalan dengan keunggulan Prodi DIV Teknologi Laboratorium Medis (TLM) Umsida yaitu diagnostik penyakit berbasis molekuler,” ujar dosen Teknologi Laboratorium Medis
Serangkaian proses penelitian dijalani demi mendapatkan hasil terbaik, mulai dari pengambilan sampel darah, pemeriksaan sampel secara molekuler dengan beberapa perlakuan seperti penggunaan beberapa antikoagulan, variasi suhu dan lama penyimpanan, serta melihat pengaruh jumlah leukosit/sel darah putih terhadap kualitas hasil isolasi DNA. Dalam penelitian ini beranggotakan Ibu Evi rinata SST M Keb dan Pak Rohman Dijaya S Kom M Kom sekaligus dibantu Miftahul Mushlih S Si M Sc serta melibatkan mahasiswa tingkat akhir prodi TLM. (hurum/rizky)
[:en] umsida.ac.id – The academic community of the Faculty of Health has succeeded in making achievements in the field of research. Puspitasari SST MPH received the second best award with research title Analysis of the quality of DNA sample preparation for Diabetes Mellitus (DM) examination. The award was given directly by the Rector of Umsida Dr. Hidayatullah M. Si at the 2019/2020 odd semester academic meeting which was held in the Mas Mansur hall of the Umsida campus on (8/29/2019).
“I want to optimize the sample treatment for DM molecular examination in line with the superiority of the Medical Laboratory Technology (TLM) Umsida Study Program which is molecular-based disease diagnostics,” said the Medical Laboratory Technology lecturer
A series of research processes were undertaken to get the best results, ranging from blood sampling, molecular examination of samples with several treatments such as the use of several anticoagulants, variations in temperature and storage time, as well as looking at the effect of the number of leukocytes / white blood cells on the quality of the results of DNA isolation. In this study consisted of Mrs. Evi Rinata SST M Keb and Mr. Rohman Dijaya S. Kom M Kom as well as assisted by Miftahul Mushlih S. Si M. Sc and involved final-year students of the TLM study program. (hurum / rizky) [:]