[:id]Umsida.ac.id – Achmad Firnanda Darmawan, mahasiswa prodi Administrasi Publik berhasil raih Best Bassist dalam ajang Simphonic kategori competition band yang diselenggarakan oleh BEM Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) pada, Rabu (13/11). Mahasiswa semester satu Fakultas Bisnis Hukum dan Ilmu Sosial (FBHIS) itu tak hanya raih best bassist, melainkan juga raih juara tiga bersama dengan lima personil lainnya dalam satu naungan Jotamastic. Sebelumnya, ia juga pernah menjuarai beberapa kompetisi, salah satunya juara satu di ajang Festival Band Indie Pemuda (FBIP) yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementrian Pemuda dan Olahraga Republik Indonesia.
Adnan sapaan akrab Achmad Firnanda Darmawan mengaku senang dan bersyukur bisa raih gelar juara dalam ajang tersebut,
“Yang pasti saya pribadi sangat kaget karena banyak peserta dari segala daerah yang bagus-bagus dan rapi saat membawakan lagunya. Tapi alhamdulillah saya dapat best bassist dan band saya berada di posisi ke-3 di ajang itu udah bersyukur banget bagi saya”, ucap Adnan. Adnan menambahkan, bahwa ia ingin membuat bangga keluarga dan orang-orang terdekat dengan lebih berkarya, “Motivasi yang pasti ingin membanggakan keluarga, teman-teman baik saya, dan UKM Ikabama serta menjadikan pengalaman ini untuk lebih baik lagi jika ada festival serupa di kemudian hari. Yang pasti saya akan lebih berusaha lagi dalam berkarya di bidang musik ditingkat nasional maupun internasional”, pungkasnya. (erika)[:en]Umsida.ac.id – Achmad Firnanda Darmawan, a Public Administration study program student, won Best Bassist in the Simphonic competition band category organized by BEM Faculty of Economics, State University of Malang (UM) on Wednesday (11/13). The first semester student of the Faculty of Business Law and Social Sciences (FBHIS) not only won the best bassist, but also won third place along with five other personnel in the auspices of Jotamastic. Previously, he also won several competitions, one of which won first place at the Youth Indie Band Festival (FBIP) organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports Republic of Indonesia
Adnan close greeting Achmad Firnanda Darmawan said he was happy and grateful to be able to win the title in the event,
“What is certain is that I am personally very surprised because there were many participants from all regions who were nice and neat when they delivered the song. But thank God I got the best bassist and my band was in the 3rd position at the event, I was very grateful for me,” said Adnan . Adnan added that he wanted to make his family and closest people proud by making more work, “Motivation that definitely wants to boast to my family, good friends, and Ikabama UKM and make this experience even better if there is a similar festival in the future. To be sure I will make even more efforts in working in the field of music at the national and international level” , he concluded. (erika)[:]