[:id]Umsida.ac.id – Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FPIP) mengadakan Forum Ta’aruf Mahasiswa, Jumat (13/9).
Kegiatan ini dimulai sejak pukul 06.00 WIB. Dengan tema Zero Waste, peserta membawa bekal dengan bungkus daun pisang. Hal ini sesuai dengan tujuan FPIP untuk mengurangi penggunaan plastik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dimulai dengan sarapan bersama dengan bekal yang mereka bawa, peserta sangat antusias. Bertempat di Gedung Auditorium KH Ahmad Dahlan, Fortama FPIP berlangsung meriah.
Acara ini mendapat sambutan positif dari Dr Akhtim Wahyuni M Ag, Dekan FPIP, “Semoga kesadaran kita untuk mengurangi Zero Waste dalam kehidupan sehari-hari bisa memberikan dampak positif, ” ujarnya. Akhir dari acara fortama FPIP ditutup dengan menyalakan Flaslight dan bernyanyi bersama jajaran akademika FPIP.
Untuk mengenalkan lingkungan kampus kepada Maba, setiap mahasiswa dikelompokkan berdasarkan Fakultas masing-masing, dengan didampingi dari panitia Fakultas. Kegiatan Fortama FPIP berlangsung lancar. Dimulai dari pembukaan acara berupa pengenalan fakultas BEMFA dan HIMA Prodi, hingga Campuss tour. (VIRNY )[:en]Umsida.ac.id – The Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPIP) held a Student Ta’aruf Forum, Friday (13/9).
This activity began at 06.00 WIB. With the theme Zero Waste, participants brought lunch in a banana leaf wrapper. This is in accordance with the aim of FPIP to reduce the use of plastic in everyday life. Starting with breakfast together with the provisions they brought, the participants were very enthusiastic. Located in the Auditorium Building KH Ahmad Dahlan, Fortama FPIP was lively.
This event received a positive response from Dr. Akhtim Wahyuni M Ag, Dean of FPIP, “Hopefully our awareness to reduce Zero Waste in daily life can have a positive impact,” she said. The end of the FPIP fortama event was closed by turning on Flaslight and singing along with FPIP academics.
To introduce the campus environment to freshmen, each student is grouped according to their respective faculties, accompanied by a faculty committee. Fortama FPIP activities took place smoothly. Starting from the opening of the event in the form of an introduction to the BEMFA faculty and HIMA Prodi, to the Campuss tour. (VIRNY)[:]