[:id]Umsida.ac.id – Berawal dari tugas ujian tengah semester, Program Studi Ilmu komunikasi gelar “Psikom Asik Awarding Sinema Ilmu Komunikasi 2019” di gedung mini teater Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (15/11). Poppy Febriana M.Medkom, dosen pengampu mata kuliah Psikologi Komunikasi semester 3 merasa mahasiswa akan lebih memahami chapter yang diajarkan dengan output tugas berupa pembuatan film daripada mengerjakan ujian tulis di dalam kelas, “Tanpa disadari mereka baca berulang karena harus bikin skrip, teori yg masuk apa, sampai akhirnya jadi film” jelasnya. Masing-masing kelas menampilkan 2 buah film dengan durasi maksimal 15 menit, total ada enam buah film yang telah diproduks dengan waktu pengerjaan lebih kurang dua minggu. Film ini sendiri diadaptasi dari dua bab materi perkuliahan, bab pertama mengenai persepsi. Bab kedua membahas tentang manusia sebagai komunikator.
Mahasiswa dan beberapa dosen Ilmu Komunikasi yang hadir turut menyaksikan ke enam film dengan berbagai genre, mulai dari komedi sampai horor. Ada pula sesi penganugerahan kategori aktor paling asik yang dimenangkan oleh Vio pada film Black Box. Kategori aktris paling asik jatuh kepada Ari Fradita dengan film Salahkah Aku. Kategori sutradara paling asik dimenangkan M.Ghulam Zakiyan pada film Mobal. Kategori Editor paling asik juga dimenangkan film berjudul mobal oleh Nur Satria Hani. Kategori film paling eman nek kalah jatuh pada film berjudul Dampak genre horor. Nominasi terakhir yaitu kategori film paling asik dimenangkan Mobal 2, film garapan kelas A2. Kesemua pemenang mendapat buket snack. Bahkan Kepala Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi memberi tambahan hadiah berupa uang tunai bagi pemenang film paling asik sebagai bentuk apresiasi, “saya salut sama anda karena belum ada mata kuliah PPAV tapi karyanya sudah luar biasa,” ungkapnya.
Penulis : Hurum Maqshurot Filkhiyam
Editor : Realita Tataguna CB[:en]Umsida.ac.id – Starting from midterm examinations, the Communication Studies Program holds the title of “Psychic Asik Awarding Cinema Communication Science 2019” in the mini theater at Muhammadiyah University, Sidoarjo (11/15). Poppy Febriana M.Medkom, lecturer of Communication Psychology in semester 3, felt that students would understand the chapters taught with the task output in the form of filmmaking rather than working on written tests in class, “Unwittingly they read over and over because they had to make scripts, theories entered what, until finally it becomes a film “he explained. Each class displays 2 films with a maximum duration of 15 minutes, a total of six films that have been produced with a processing time of approximately two weeks. The film itself is adapted from two chapters of lecture material, the first chapter is about perception. The second chapter discusses humans as communicators.
Students and several Communication Sciences lecturers who attended also watched the six films with various genres, ranging from comedy to horror. There was also a best-selling actor category awarding session which was won by Vio in the film Black Box. The coolest actress category falls to Ari Fradita with the film Salahkah Aku. The most fun director category was won by M. Ghulam Zakiyan in the film Mobal. The coolest editor category was also won a film called Mobal by Nur Satria Hani. The most enduring movie category, Grandmother, fell in the film titled Impact of the horror genre. The last nomination is the most cool film category won by Mobal 2, a film produced by class A2. All winners get a bouquet of snacks. Even the Head of Communication Studies Program gave an additional prize of cash to the winner of the coolest film as a token of appreciation, “I salute you because there is no PPAV course but the work has been extraordinary,” he said.
Author: Hurum Maqshurot Filkhiyam
Editor: Reality Tataguna CB[:]