[:id]Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (Umsida) kembali menambah program studi pada rumpun keilmuan kesehatan. Melalui Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan (Fikes), usulan program studi (prodi) Diploma Tiga (D3) Fisioterapi telah diunggah dan di penghujung bulan Ramadhan silam usulan tersebut akhirnya disetujui oleh Ristekdikti.
Surat Keputusan (SK) dari Kemenristekdikti Tentang Izin Pembukaan Program Studi D3 Fisioterapi, diserahkan langsung oleh Kepala LLDIKTI wilayah VII Prof Dr Ir Suprapto DEA kepada Rektor Umsida Dr Hidayatulloh M Si didampingi Ketua BPH Prof Achmad Jainuri MA PhD, pada Senin (24/06/19) di Kantor LLDIKTI Jatim.
Kabar gembira tersebut disebarkan Rektor Umsida via grup whatsapp (WA) Umsida dengan mengunggah foto penerimaan SK. Dikonfirmasi umsida.ac.id, Rektor menjelaskan bahwa Umsida memang sudah berencana untuk mengembangkan beberapa prodi yang ada di fakultas, salah satu fakultas yang berpotensi besar untuk menambah prodi baru adalah Fikes.
“Kita berharap prodi ini menjadi bagian penting dari ikhtiar umsida untuk membangun kecerdasan dan kesehatan masyarakat.” Tutur Hidayatulloh.
Hidayatulloh juga menegaskan bahwa prodi fisioterapi ini akan langsung menerima pendaftaran mahasiswa baru di tahun akademik 2019/2020 ini.
“Bismillah.. kita langsung menerima mahasiswa baru fisioterapi, meskipun waktunya tinggal 2 bulan, tapi kita optimis bahwa prodi ini menjadi salah satu prodi yang cukup diminati masyarakat luas.” tandasnya
“Oleh karena itu, saya berharap seluruh komponen yang ada di kampus Umsida, tidak hanya Fikes untuk ikut serta dalam melakukan sosialisasi seluas-luasnya agar diketahui masyarakat luas sehingga mereka yang berminat masuk di prodi fisioterapi, mengetahui bahwa di Umsida telah ada prodi ini dan bisa daftar ke Umsida.” Kata Pak Rektor menambahkan.
Umsida juga akan terus mendorong Fikes untuk segera mempersiapkan diri dalam pembukaan prodi baru selanjutnya yaitu Keperawatan Anestesi.
Dekan Fikes Sri Mukhodim Farida Hanum SST MM. M Kes menjelaskan alasan berdirinya prodi D3 Fisioterapi yaitu banyak Instansi kesehatan swasta dan negeri yang membutuhkan tenaga ahli profesional di bidang Fisioterapi, sehingga hal ini menjadi peluang besar bagi institusi. Sarana dan prasarana yang baik telah disiapkan dibawah naungan Fikes.
Prodi Profesi Fisioterapi Umsida ini mempunyai visi Menjadi Program Studi Fisioterapi yang unggul dan inovatif dalam pengembangan IPTEKS berdasarkan nilai- nilai Islam untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan keunggulan musculus skeletal.
“Alhamdulillah, SK prodi D3 Fisioterapi Fikes Umsida telah di terima. Terima kasih kami ucapkan kepada seluruh civitas fikes yang telah berupaya maksimal dalam pengusulan prodi fisioterapi, semoga bernanfaat untuk masyarakat khususnya lembaga.” Kata Hanum sapaan akrabnya. (hesty)[:en]Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo (Umsida) again added study programs to the scientific family. Through the Faculty of Health Sciences (Fikes), the proposed Diploma Three (D3) study program Physiotherapy has been uploaded and at the end of Ramadhan the proposal was finally approved by Ristekdikti.
Decree (SK) of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Regarding the Opening of Study Program 3 Physiotherapy, submitted directly by Head of Region VII LLDIKTI Prof. Dr. Ir. Suprapto DEA to Umsida Chancellor Dr. Hidayatulloh M Si accompanied by BPH Chair Prof. Achmad Jainuri MA PhD, on Monday (06/24/19) at East Java .
The good news was disseminated by Umsida Chancellor via whatsapp (WA) Umsida group by uploading a photo of Acceptance of Decree. Confirmed umsida.ac.id, the Chancellor explained that Umsida had planned to develop several study programs in the faculties, one of the faculties with the potential to add new study programs was Fikes.
“We hope that this study program becomes an important part of public efforts to build intelligence and public health,” Hidayatulloh said.
Hidayatulloh also stressed that this physiotherapy study program will immediately accept the registration of new students in this 2019/2020 academic year.
“Bismillah … we immediately accept new physiotherapy students, even though it’s only 2 months, but we are optimistic that this study program is one of the study programs that is quite attractive to the wider community.”
“Therefore, I hope that all components on the Umsida campus, not only Fikes, will participate in the broadest socialization to be known to the public so that those who are interested in joining the physiotherapy study program know that there are study programs in Umsida and they can register with Umsida. “The Chancellor added.
Umsida will also continue to encourage Fikes to immediately prepare themselves for the opening of the next new study program, Anesthesia Nursing.
Dean of Fikes Sri Mukhodim Farida Hanum SST MM. M Kes explained the reason for the establishment of D3 study program Physiotherapy, namely many private and state health agencies that needed professional experts in the field of Physiotherapy, so that this became a great opportunity for the institution. Good facilities and infrastructure have been prepared under the auspices of Fikes.
This Umsida Physiotherapy Professional Study Program has a vision to become a superior and innovative Physiotherapy Study Program in the development of Science and Technology based on Islamic values for community welfare with the advantages of skeletal musculus.
“Thank God, SK D3 Study Program Physiotherapy Fikes Umsida has been received. We would like to say thank you to the entire community of fikes who have tried their utmost in the proposal of the physiotherapy study program, hopefully it will benefit the community, especially the institution, “Hanum said, as he is familiar. (hesty)[:]