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FGD of Muhammadiyah Basic Education Monitoring and Evaluation, This Topic was Discussed

[:id]umsida.ac.id- Program Kemitraan INOVASI-Muhammadiyah dan Majelis Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah (Dikdasmen) Pimpinan Wilayah Muhammadiyah (PWM) Jawa Timur mengadakan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Koordinasi dan Penyamaan Persepsi Monitoring dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Dasar Muhammadiyah dilaksanakan di ruang rapat VIP Gedung A Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA), Ahad (16/6/19).

Acara ini dihadiri empat belas kepala sekolah pendidikan dasar Muhammadiyah (SD dan MI) sasaran dari empat kabupaten, yakni Trenggalek, Ngawi, Jember, dan Sidoarjo. Hadir pula utusan dari PP Muhammadiyah.

Dalam sambutannya, Ketua Program INOVASI-Muhammadiyah Untuk Literasi Kelas Awal Enik Setyawati MPd memaparkan, kegiatan monev dilakukan seluruh sekolah yang bersangkutan pada Juli hingga Oktober 2019.

”Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada koordinator yang telah menyiapkan seluruh kegiatan monev ini.  Tujuan kegiatan ini terbagi ke dalam tiga hal. Yaitu menjelaskan pola monev literasi yang akan dilakukan. Pengoordinasian semua hal yang berhubungan dengan monev, dan penyamaan informasi aspek penilaian pada aspirasi terhadap monitoring literasi di sekolah Muhammadiyah,” ujar Enik.

Monev ini, sambungnya, terdiri dari monev internal dan monev eksternal dan terdapat jadwal untuk keduanya sebagai laporan terhadap sasaran program literasi.

Dra Delmenita, anggota Majelis Dikdasmen Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah dalam sambutannya menyampaikan, FGD ini terselenggara bukan hanya terdokumentasi tetapi harus terlaksana.

”Ketika kita salah mendidik, salah memberi maka kesalahan yang diterima akan berkepanjangan. Efeknya sekolah tidak akan diminati. Sehingga literasi sebagai sarana pokok siswa untuk memahami pembelajaran yang diterima,” katanya.

Orientasi FGD disampaikan oleh Muchlasin Amrullah SUd MPdI, koordinator monev. Dalam orientasi ini peserta dibagi ke dalam empat kelompok. Antar kelompok dapat saling bertukar pikiran yang dipandu fasilitator.

FGD satu membahas prinsip-prinsip monev sekolah Muhammadiyah Jawa Timur disampaikan oleh Ketua Majelis Dikdasmen PWM Jatim Dra Arba’iyah Yusuf MA. Peserta dibagi ke dalam beberapa kelompok mulai berdiskusi di sela penjelasan oleh pemateri. Arba’iyah menjelaskan prinsip monev sekolah Muhammadiyah Jawa Timur terdiri dari tiga hal yakni berorientasi pada proses, mengacu pada kriteria keberhasilan, mengacu pada asas manfaat, serta dilaksanakan dengan jujur dan objektif. Menurutnya kegiatan ini merupakan hal yang cost and benefit sebagai salah satu prinsip monev.

“Cost yang tinggi diikuti hasil yang bagus lalu disimpan dengan baik atau dengan kata lain murah tidak berarti kecil dan mahal tidak berarti besar. Itulah cara menilai program dan keuangan termasuk pengadaan literasi di sekolah” jelas Arba’iyah.

FGD dua memaparkan penyusunan instrumen serta sosialisasi pelaksanaan dan pleno monev yang dipimpin oleh Dra Delmenita. Peserta masih dalam kelompok diberi dua lembar kertas untuk setiap orang. Mereka diminta merancang instrumen atau indikator-indikator pelaksanaan gerakan literasi di sekolah. Rancangan harus disesuaikan dengan anak-anak di usia sekolah dasar sehingga mudah mereka pahami dan terapkan.

”Meski melaksanakan program ini dengan bersusah payah kita patut bersyukur karena tim INOVASI-Muhammadiyah menilai kegiatan ini luar biasa. Apa yang dilakukan telah dirasakan oleh mitra,” tutur  Arba’iyah. (Inka, Lintang)[:en]The INNOVATION-Muhammadiyah Partnership Program and the East Java Muhammadiyah (PWM) Regional Leadership Education Council (Dikdasmen) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Coordination and Equation of Perception of Monitoring and Evaluation of Muhammadiyah Basic Education held in the VIP meeting room of Building A Muhammadiyah University, Sidoarjo ( UMSIDA) Sunday (06/16/19).
The event was attended by fourteen heads of Muhammadiyah (SD and MI) primary education schools from four districts, namely Trenggalek, Ngawi, Jember, and Sidoarjo. Also present were delegates from PP Muhammadiyah.
In his speech, the Chairperson of the INOVATION-Muhammadiyah Program For Literacy of the Early Enik Setyawati Class MPd explained, the monitoring and evaluation activities were carried out by all the relevant schools in July to October 2019.
“I would like to thank the coordinator who prepared all of the monitoring and evaluation activities. The purpose of this activity is divided into three things. That is to explain the pattern of literacy monitoring and evaluation to be carried out. Coordinating all matters relating to monitoring and evaluation, and equating information on aspects of assessment on aspirations for literacy monitoring in Muhammadiyah schools, “Enik said.
This monitoring and evaluation, he continued, consisted of internal monitoring and evaluation and external monitoring and evaluation and there was a schedule for both of them to report on the objectives of the literacy program.
Dra Delmenita, member of the Dikdasmen Council of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership in her speech said that the FGD was held not only documented but must be implemented.
“When we mis-educate, give a mistake, then the mistakes received will be prolonged. The effect of the school will not be in demand. So that literacy is a basic means for students to understand the learning received, “he said.
The orientation of the FGD was delivered by Muchlasin Amrullah SUd MPdI, monev coordinator. In this orientation participants were divided into four groups. Between groups can exchange ideas guided by the facilitator.
The first FGD discussed the principles of monitoring and evaluation of Muhammadiyah East Java schools delivered by the Chair of the East Java PWM Dikdasmen Council Dra Arba’iyah Yusuf MA. Participants were divided into several groups and began discussing between explanations by the speakers. Arba’iyah explained that the principle of monitoring and evaluation of the Muhammadiyah East Java school consisted of three processes: oriented to the criteria of success, referring to the principle of benefits, and carried out honestly and objectively. According to him, this activity is a matter of cost and benefit as one of the principles of monitoring and evaluation.
“High costs followed by good results and then stored well or in other words cheap does not mean small and expensive does not mean big. That’s how to assess programs and finance, including the provision of literacy in schools, “explained Arba’iyah.
The second FGD explained the preparation of instruments and the socialization of the implementation and plenary session of the monitoring and evaluation led by Dra Delmenita. Participants still in groups were given two sheets of paper for each person. They were asked to design instruments or indicators for the implementation of the literacy movement in schools. The design must be adapted to children in elementary school age so that they are easy to understand and apply.
“Although we have carried out this program with great effort we should be grateful because the INOVATION-Muhammadiyah team considered this activity extraordinary. What partners have done is felt by partners, “said Arba’iyah. (Inka, Latitude)

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