Faith and Morals Make this Student Bachelor of Achievement Accounting

[:id]UMSIDA.AC.ID – Banyak yang mengira jika berprestasi sangatlah menyenangkan. Namun, dibalik prestasi tersebut tentu ada jerih payah yang perlu dilakukan. Dwi Nur Agustiningseh, atlet tapak suci ini menjadi Wisudawati Berprestasi Sarjana Akuntansi dalam Wisuda XXXIII di Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (22/6/19).

Perempuan yang akrab disapa Dwi ini mengatakan bahwa meraih sebuah prestasi haruslah dilakukan dengan usaha dan tekad, tidak lupa disertai dengan doa dan dukungan keluarga. Dwi mengaku jika pada awalnya mengikuti pertandingan pencak silat dalam kategori tanding atau fighter. Kemudian, ia ingin mencoba suatu hal yang baru, hingga akhirnya ia beralih dalam kategori seni tunggal baku putri.
“Ketika saya saya lolos seleksi untuk mengikuti pertandingan, maka saya bisa masuk dalam kontingen Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, tetapi dengan konsekuensi menambah porsi latihan dengan waktu setiap hari harus full latihan,” ujar mahasiswi kelahiran Mojokerto ini.

Putri dari pasangan Almarhum Nuraji dan Ibu Muslimah, Dwi, ini harus mengorbankan kuliah dengan rela tidak masuk kuliah berkali-kali demi mendapatkan prestasi yang diinginkannya. Namun, ia merasa tetap harus mengejar ketertinggalannya dalam kuliah, berikut dengan mengerjakan tugas-tugas yang diberikan oleh Bapak dan Ibu dosen.

Banyak teman-temannya mengatakan sangat beruntung berada di posisinya yang mendapat prestasi banyak. Namun, menurut Dwi, mereka tidak mengerti bagaimana perjuangannya dalam meraih semua itu.
“Kumpul dengan keluarga saja sangat terbatas. Tapi saya yakin apa yang saya perjuangan tidak akan sia-sia. Karena saya mempunyai motto, dengan iman dan akhlak saya menjadi kuat tanpa iman dan akhlak saya menjadi lemah,” ungkap Dwi mengakhiri sesi wawancara. (inka)[:en]UMSIDA.AC.ID – Many think that achievement is very pleasant. However, behind these achievements, of course there is a lot of work that needs to be done. Dwi Nur Agustiningseh, the athlete of the holy site became a Bachelor of Accounting Graduate in the XXXIII Graduation at Muhammadiyah University in Sidoarjo (06/22/19).

This woman who is familiarly called Dwi said that achieving an achievement must be done with effort and determination, not forgetting accompanied by prayer and family support. Dwi admitted that at first he joined a pencak silat match in a match or fighter category. Then, he wanted to try something new, until finally he switched to the women’s standard single art category.
“When I passed the selection to take part in the competition, I was able to enter the contingent of the Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo, but with the consequence of increasing the portion of the training with the time every day must be full training,” said the student born in Mojokerto.

The daughter of the late Nuraji and Mrs. Muslimah couple Dwi had to sacrifice college willingly not to go to college many times to get the desired achievement. However, he felt he still had to catch up with the lecture, along with working on the assignments given by the lecturer and mother.

Many of his friends said that he was very lucky to be in his position to get many achievements. However, according to Dwi, they did not understand how he struggled to achieve all that.
“Gathering with family is very limited. But I am sure what I struggle will not be in vain. Because I have a motto, with faith and morals I become strong without faith and morals. I become weak,” Dwi said ending the interview session. (inka)

Many think that achievement is very pleasant. However, behind these achievements, of course there is a lot of work that needs to be done. Dwi Nur Agustiningseh, the athlete of the holy site became a Bachelor of Accounting Graduate in the XXXIII Graduation at Muhammadiyah University in Sidoarjo (06/22/19).

This woman who is familiarly called Dwi said that achieving an achievement must be done with effort and determination, not forgetting accompanied by prayer and family support. Dwi admitted that at first he joined a pencak silat match in a match or fighter category. Then, he wanted to try something new, until finally he switched to the women’s standard single art category.
“When I passed the selection to take part in the competition, I was able to enter the contingent of the Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo, but with the consequence of increasing the portion of the training with the time every day must be full training,” said the student born in Mojokerto.

The daughter of the late Nuraji and Mrs. Muslimah couple Dwi had to sacrifice college willingly not to go to college many times to get the desired achievement. However, he felt he still had to catch up with the lecture, along with working on the assignments given by the lecturer and mother.

Many of his friends said that he was very lucky to be in his position to get many achievements. However, according to Dwi, they did not understand how he struggled to achieve all that.
“Gathering with family is very limited. But I am sure what I struggle will not be in vain. Because I have a motto, with faith and morals I become strong without faith and morals. I become weak,” Dwi said ending the interview session. (inka)[:]

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