[:id]Umsida.ac.id – Banyak cara untuk menjalin keakraban, salah satunya dengan ngobrol santai. Ini menjadi sangat penting, terutama bagi mahasiswa baru yang belum akrab dengan iklim perkuliahan yang berbeda dengan masa SMA. Hal inilah yang coba dilakukan oleh Mahasiswa Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi baru baru ini.Bertajuk ‘Ngobras – Ngobrol Santai Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Creative generation, Nur Maghfirah A M Medkom Kepala Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi menyerukan taglan “Prodi Ikom Loss Ga Rewel”. Dalam kesempatannya ia mengatakan, “Acara ini diadakan supaya anak Ikom kompak ga rewel, siap mental dan tatak,” ujarnya dengan penuh semangat.
Ngobras tahun kedua ini sekaligus memperkenalkan beberapa komunitas yang berhasil dirintis, diantaranya Kawan Ikom sebagai jenjang awal mahasiswa mengenal HIMA, dibawahnya juga terdapat komunitas Jurnalistik yang sempat memenangkan lomba Jurnalistik Happenic Unesa, Komunitas Fotogtafi dan Videografi yang dalam waktu dekat mengadakan lomba pembuatan video kreatif, ada pula komunitas Radio yang aktif mengisi program di Umsida 87,5 fm, komunitas PR yang berfokus pada pembinaan public speaking. Serta komunitas Creative Communication yang berfokus pada pembuatan event dan social project.
Acara semakin hangat saat tiap kelas unjuk kebolehan di atas panggung menghibur mahasiswa lainnya. Bahkan Sekretaris Prodi, Kukuh Sinduwiatmo disambut riuh tepuk tangan saat turut menyanyikan lagu “Kangen” milik Dewa 19. Seluruh mahasiswa, alumni dan dosen hanyut menyanyi bersama alunan musik yang mengiringi. Antusiasme semua pihak dalam Ngobras kali ini merupakan kebanggan tersendiri bagi Ardi, Ketua Hima Ikom terpilih bersama seluruh timnya. (hurum/real)[:en]Umsida.ac.id – There are many ways to establish intimacy, one of which is by chatting casually. This becomes very important, especially for new students who are not yet familiar with the lecture climate that is different from the high school period.
This is what the Communication Science Study Program student is trying to do recently. It is titled ‘Ngobras – Chatting Relaxing Communication Science Study Program Creative generation, Nur Maghfirah A M Medkom Head of Communication Studies Study Program called for the tagline” Ikom Loss Study Program Fuss “. On the occasion he said, “This event was held so that the Ikom children are compact and not fussy, mentally prepared and mentally prepared,” he said with enthusiasm.
This second year Ngobras also introduced several successful communities, including Comrade Ikom as the initial level of students to get to know HIMA, underneath there was also a Journalistic community that had won the Happenic Unesa Journalism competition, Photographic and Videography Community, which in the near future held a creative video making contest, there were also the Radio community that actively fills the program at Umsida 87.5 fm, the PR community that focuses on fostering public speaking. And the Creative Communication community that focuses on making events and social projects.
The event became even warmer as each performance class on the stage entertained other students. The Secretary of Study Program, Kukuh Sinduwiatmo, was greeted with applause when he sang “Dewa’s” Kangen “by Dewa 19. All students, alumni and lecturers were carried away singing along with the accompanying music. The enthusiasm of all parties in Ngobras this time was a pride for Ardi, the Chairperson of Hima Ikom was elected along with his entire team. (hurum / real)[:]