[:id]UMSIDA.AC.ID – Beasiswa sang surya merupakan salah satu program nasional yang bertujuan untuk memberikan bantuan biaya pendidikan jenjang S1 bagi generasi muda yang terkendala biaya pendidikan.
Sebanyak 514 mahasiswa Umsida telah menerima beasiswa senilai total Rp. 608.721.000. Secara simbolis, beasiswa tersebut diserahkan kepada Wiwin Endang Sulistikawati, mahasiswa semester 6 Prodi Akuntansi FBHIS pada acara wisuda di Auditorium Aula K.H Ahmad Dahlan Kampus 1 Umsida, Sabtu (22/06/2019).
Kepala kantor Lazismu Umsida Prayekti SPd I mengatakan, program pemberdayaan itu mengusung tema “Menjadi Mahasiswa yang Mandiri dan Produktif”.
“Kami memliki 3 program pilihan sesuai passion yaitu Filantropi Muda, Entreupreneur Muda, dan Dai Muda.” ujar Prayekti.
Yekti mempunyai harapan tersendiri atas keberlangsungan program ini,
“Semoga dengan beasiswa ini, bisa membantu mahasiswa yang kurang mampu untuk menjadi mahasiswa yg mandiri dan produktif.” pungkasnya (rizky)[:en]UMSIDA.AC.ID – The solar scholarship is one of the national programs that aims to provide tuition fees for young people who are constrained by the cost of education. Pentasyarufan the solar scholarship is aimed at students who have submitted applications through student affairs.
Head of Office Lazizmu UMSIDA Prayekti SPd I said pentasyarufan was done after students submitted and received approval.
“The requirement to apply for a scholarship can be done online through public SIM,” Yekti said.
A total of 514 students have received scholarships worth a total of 608,721,000. Symbolically, the scholarship was handed over to Wiwin Endang Sulistikawati, 6th semester student in accounting study at the Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences.
“I am very grateful for the existence of this scholarship, this really helped me to smooth the lecture process.” said Endang
Yekti has its own hopes for the sustainability of this program,
“Hopefully this scholarship can help disadvantaged students to become independent and productive students.” he concluded (Rizky)[:]