[:id]umsida.ac.id – Prodi Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan (MIK) Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan (FIKES) Umsida dan Center for Open Science (COS) menjadi tuan rumah webinar pada senin (21/9).
Bertempat di aula siti khadijah Lt 4 kampus pilang, acara ini bertajuk Advancing Science in Indonesia: Current Global Research Practices. acara dilakukan secara pararel melalui 39 lokasi penyiaran yang tersebar di seluruh perguruan tinggi dan lembaga penelitian di Indonesia.
Diikuti 1322 peserta dari seluruh Indonesia dan 73 peserta dari fikes umsida, acara ini bertujuan mendiskusikan implementasi beragam strategi untuk meningkatkan kualitas luaran riset peneliti di Indonesia.
Pembicara dalam webinar ini berasal dari berbagai negara yakni Prof. Brian Nosek, Direktur Eksekutif Center for Open Science (COS), University of Virginia (US); Prof. Simine Vazire, University of California, Davis (US); Prof. Virginia Barbour, Australian Open Access Strategy (AOAS), Queensland University of Technology (QUT, Australia), dan dimoderatori oleh Sandersan Onie, PhD(Candidate) (University of New South Wales, Australia).
SMF Hanum SST MM M Kes Dekan Fikes Umsida, menyambut positif acara tersebut, “Terimakasih kepada panitia d4 MIK yang telah mempersiapkan webinar dengan sangat baik, karena pertama kali Fikes Umsida menjadi tuan rumah acara ini. Semoga kegiatan ini bisa memberikan informasi terkait riset dan penelitian ilmiah untuk kalangan akademisi terutama mahasiswa di umsida,” ungkap bu Hanum.
Beberapa isu yang dibahas diantaranya menekankan pada pentingnya penguasaan keterampilan dasar meneliti; mengedukasi peneliti mengenai praktik baik meneliti dan mengapa praktik baik meneliti penting bagi kualitas riset; dan mendorong terciptanya ekosistem riset yang fokus utamanya pada kredibilitas, transparansi dan kecermatan ilmiah.
Pembicara dalam webinar ini berasal dari berbagai negara yakni Prof. Brian Nosek, Direktur Eksekutif Center for Open Science (COS), University of Virginia (US); Prof. Simine Vazire, University of California, Davis (US); Prof. Virginia Barbour, Australian Open Access Strategy (AOAS), Queensland University of Technology (QUT, Australia), dan dimoderatori oleh Sandersan Onie, PhD(Candidate) (University of New South Wales, Australia).
Selain Umsida, ada beberapa institusi yang turut menjadi lokasi penyiaran yakni Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI); Universitas Indonesia; Universitas Airlangga; Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh; Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Bali; Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Banten; Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo; Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira, NTT, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang; Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado. (hesty/INKA)[:en]umsida.ac.id – The Health Information Management (MIK) Study Program of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES) Umsida and the Center for Open Science (COS) hosted a webinar on Monday (9/21).
Located in the 4th floor of Siti Khadijah Hall, Pilang Campus, the event was titled Advancing Science in Indonesia: Current Global Research Practices. the event was conducted in parallel through 39 broadcasting locations spread across all tertiary institutions and research institutions in Indonesia.
Followed by 1322 participants from all over Indonesia and 73 participants from Fikes Umsida, this event aims to discuss the implementation of various strategies to improve the quality of research output in Indonesia.
The speakers in this webinar came from various countries namely Prof. Brian Nosek, Executive Director of the Center for Open Science (COS), University of Virginia (US); Prof. Simine Vazire, University of California, Davis (US); Prof. Virginia Barbour, Australian Open Access Strategy (AOAS), Queensland University of Technology (QUT, Australia), and moderated by Sandersan Onie, PhD (Candidate) (University of New South Wales, Australia).
SMF Hanum SST MM M Kes Dean of Fikes Umsida, welcomed the event positively, “Thank you to the D4 MIK committee for preparing the webinar very well, because Fikes Umsida hosted the event for the first time. Hopefully this activity can provide information related to research and research science for academics, especially students in Umsida, “said Mrs. Hanum.
Some of the issues discussed include emphasizing the importance of mastering basic research skills; educating researchers about good research practices and why good research practices are important for the quality of research; and encourage the creation of a research ecosystem that focuses primarily on scientific credibility, transparency and rigor.
The speakers in this webinar came from various countries namely Prof. Brian Nosek, Executive Director of the Center for Open Science (COS), University of Virginia (US); Prof. Simine Vazire, University of California, Davis (US); Prof. Virginia Barbour, Australian Open Access Strategy (AOAS), Queensland University of Technology (QUT, Australia), and moderated by Sandersan Onie, PhD (Candidate) (University of New South Wales, Australia).
In addition to Umsida, there are several institutions that have become broadcast locations, namely the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI); University of Indonesia; Airlangga University; Bandung Institute of Technology, Gadjah Mada University, Syiah Kuala University, Aceh; Ganesha University of Education, Bali; Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Banten; Gorontalo Muhammadiyah University; Widya Mandira Catholic University, NTT, Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang; Sam Ratulangi University, Manado. (INKA)[:]