[:id]Umsida.ac.id Masa Ta’aruf Mahasiswa atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Mastama oleh pimpinan IMM sudah menjadi program kerja wajib tiap tahunnya. Bertujuan memperkenalkan IMM sebagai Organisasi Otonomi Muhammadiyah serta mengajak para calon kader untuk menjalin relasi dengan komisariat lain, Mastama Akbar yang bertempat di Aula Siti Khodijah Kampus 3 ini mengundang seluruh kader dan calon kader IMM Umsida pada Minggu (06/10).
Tema “Peran Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah Dalam Menyikapi Keadaan Bangsa” dipilih karena pimpinan IMM peduli dengan masa depan bangsa khususnya peran dan amanah besar yang ada di pundak mahasiswa untuk melakukan suatu perubahan nyata bagi umat.
Dimoderatori oleh Achmad Winedy R, pemateri Fazlur Rahman, Ketua Bidang Kader DPP IMM 2018-2020 memberikan banyak motivasi bahwa lewat IMM, sudah banyak kakanda dan ayunda (sebutan umtuk para demisioner) yang sukses. Beliau juga memberi wejangan tentang pentingnya isi daripada apa yang hanya nampak diluar. “Rumah di China ndak ada yang megah dan tinggi, hanya ruko. Mereka benar hanya ruko tapi isi di dalamnya adalah emas,” tentu hal ini berbalik dengan kebanyakan masyarakat yang memegahkan rumahnya namun tidak memiliki investasi masa depan yang baik. Sementara pemateri kedua, Najih Prasityo, Ketua Umum DPP IMM 2018-2020. menyampaikan tentang perlunya menjadi kader IMM sebagai pembeda dengan mahasiswa yang biasa atau bahkan tidak ikut organisasi. Beliau juga berharap kader IMM tidak menjadi apatis terhadap problematika yang masyarakat rasakan saat ini.
Sesi Talkshow dilanjutkan dengan forum bersama komisariat masing-masing di ruang kelas sekitar aula. Setiap komisariat bebas menentukan konsep seperti apa yang hendak dibangun di dalam forum, ada yang mengajak kader dan calonnya menonton film 98 bersama, sharing mengenai banyak hal, dan sebagainya.
Ivan Eka Trisniawan, Ketua Pelaksana acara ini berharap adanya silaturahmi yang bisa meningkatkan kesolidan “Saya harap calon kader & kader bisa menjalin rasa kekeluargaan yang sangat solid antar komisariat IMM Umsida, selain itu saya harap dalam acara Mastama Akbar 2019 ini bisa menjadi suatu langkah untuk menjadikan mahasiswa Muhammadiyah bisa mengambil sikap positif terhadap kondisi bangsa,” pungkasnya.(rizky)[:en]Umsida.ac.id Period of Ta’aruf Students or better known as Mastama by the leadership of IMM has become a mandatory work program every year. Aiming at introducing IMM as the Muhammadiyah Autonomous Organization and inviting prospective cadres to establish relations with other commissarians, Mastama Akbar which is located in Siti Khodijah Hall Campus 3 invited all cadres and prospective cadres of Umsida IMM on Sunday (06/10).
The theme “The Role of Muhammadiyah Students in Responding to the State of the Nation” was chosen because the leadership of the IMM cared about the future of the nation, especially the role and great mandate on the shoulders of students to make a real change for the people.
Moderated by Achmad Winedy R, speaker Fazlur Rahman, Chairperson of the IMM DPP Cadre 2018-2020 provides a lot of motivation that through IMM, there have been many successful brothers and sisters (a term for the missionaries). He also advised about the importance of content rather than what only appears outside. “There are no stately and tall houses in China, only shop houses. They are really just shop houses but the contents in it are gold, “of course this has turned around with most people who boast their houses but do not have a good future investment. While the second speaker, Najih Prasityo, Chairman of the IMM DPP 2018-2020. delivered about the need to become an IMM cadre as a differentiator with students who were ordinary or not even joining the organization. He also hoped that IMM cadres did not become apathetic towards the problems that the community was feeling at this time.
The talkshow session continued with a forum with the respective commissariat in the classroom around the hall. Each commissioner is free to determine the concept as to what to build in the forum, some invite cadres and candidates to watch 98 films together, sharing about many things, and so on.
Ivan Eka Trisniawan, Chairperson of the event, hoped that the gathering would be able to increase the solidity “I hope that cadres & cadres can establish a very solid sense of kinship between the IMM Umsida commissariat, in addition I hope that in the 2019 Mastama Akbar event can be a step to make a very solid sense of kinship between the commissariat of IMM Umsida, besides that I hope in the 2019 Mastama Akbar event can be a step to make Muhammadiyah students can take a positive attitude towards the condition of the nation, “he concluded. (Rizky)[:]