[:id]Umsida.ac.id – Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (PBI) Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (Umsida) mendelegasikan tiga dosennya Yuli Astutik MPd, Dian Rahma Santoso MPd dan Fika Megawati MPd menghadiri ajang bergengsi kumpulan dosen dan praktisi Bahasa Inggris Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) tingkat Asia (Asia TEFL) di Bangkok, Thailand (27-29/06/2019).
Ketiga dosen cantik itu memaparkan hasil penelitian dengan kompetensi masing-masing. Yuli, sapaan akrab dosen sekaligus Ketua Program Studi (Kaprodi) PBI itu, mempresentasikan hasil penelitiannya yang berjudul Indonesian Pre-service Teacher’s Cognition in Teaching English to Young Learners. “Penelitian ini dilakukan lantaran fenomena kebijakan pemerintah melalui kementrian pendidikan dan kebudayaan tentang mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai muatan lokal di tingkat sekolah dasar (SD) di kurikulum 2013,” tuturnya pada umsida press (27/06/2019).
Sedangkan Dian, sapaan akrab dosen sekaligus kepala seksi Hubungan Masyarakat (Humas) Umsida itu, menganisis strategi komunikasi yang digunakan mahasiswa dalam membuat video blog (vlog) berbahasa Inggris. Artikelnya berjudul An Analysis of Communication Strategies on Students’ Vlog.
“Saya ingin mencari tahu apa sih yang dilakukan mahasiswa saat mereka bikin vlog, terus tiba-tiba stag, bingung apa yang mau disampaikan,” tuturnya. “Kira-kira, kata-kata apa yang akan mereka lontarkan agar bisa menyelesaikan videonya dalam satu menit?” imbuhnya.
Sedikit berbeda dengan Fika, dosen sekaligus sekretaris Prodi PBI itu, memaparkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan pada mahasiswa Prodi PBI Umsida di Thailand. “Judul riset saya Teaching practicum in Non-Home Country: An Indonesian EFL Pre-Service Teacher Reflection yang mengangkat pentingnya refleksi pelaksanaan program praktek mengajar internasional (International Teaching Practicum) yang dilaksanakan mahasiswa PBI di Thailand.
Bagaimana seru dan detailnya paparan riset mereka, nantikan di pemberitaan selanjutnya. (drs)[:en]Umsida.ac.id – The English Language Education Study Program (PBI) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (Umsida) delegated three lecturers, Yuli Astutik MPd, Dian Rahma Santoso MPd and Fika Megawati MPd, to attend a prestigious gathering of lecturers and practitioners at the Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Asian level (Asia TEFL) in Bangkok, Thailand (27-29/06/2019).
The three beautiful lecturers presented the results of the research with their respective competencies. Yuli, the nickname of the lecturer and Chair of the PBI Study Program, presented the results of her research entitled Indonesian Pre-service Teacher’s Cognition in Teaching English to Young Learners. “This research was conducted because of the phenomenon of government policy through the ministry of education and culture about English subjects as local content at the elementary school level in the 2013 curriculum,” he said to Umsida Press (06/27/2019).
Meanwhile, Dian, the nickname of the lecturer and head of the Umsida Public Relations section, analyzed the communication strategies used by students in making blog videos (vlogs) in English. The article is titled An Analysis of Communication Strategies on Students’ Vlog.
“I want to find out what students do when they make vlogs, and then suddenly stag, confused about what they want to say,” he said. “Approximately, what words will they make so they can finish the video in one minute?”
A little different from Fika, the lecturer and secretary of the PBI Study Program, explained the results of the research conducted on students of the Umsida PBI Study Program in Thailand. “The title of my research is teaching practice in Non-Home Country: An Indonesian EFL Pre-Service Teacher Reflection that raises the importance of reflecting the implementation of the International Teaching Practicum program carried out by PBI students in Thailand.
How exciting and detailed the exposure of their research, look forward to the next report. (drs)[:]