[:id]UMSIDA.AC.ID – Kelompok KKN-T Umsida berkolaborasi dengan Karang Taruna Desa Semambung menyelenggarakan karnaval untuk menyemarakkan peringatan kemerdekaan Indonesia yang ke 74. Hal tersebut tentu akan menciptakan keharmonisan antara mahasiswa dengan masyarakat. Berlokasi di Balai Desa Semambung kecamatan Jabon, kegiatan karnaval ini diikuti oleh seluruh masyarakat desa semambung yang dibagi menjadi 5 tim dari setiap RW dan 4 lembaga yang ada di desa seperti TK dan TPQ. Antusias mereka digambarkan melalui berbagai pakaian kreatif yang digunakan oleh seluruh partisipan memiliki tema kostum tersendiri mulai dari perjuangan, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, Daur Ulang, Pernikahan terbalik, Pernikahan Masaal, dsb. (18/8/2019)
Pada moment tersebut, Mahasiswa KKN-T UMSIDA diberi kesempatan sebagai rombongan pembuka jalan di kegiatan karnaval. Hal tersebut membuat mereka senang sekaligus tersanjung karena mendapat kepercayaan dari masyarakat untuk memimpin rombongan.
“Saya sangat tersanjung karena dipilih sebagai salah satu dari 3 juri yang ditetapkan oleh pihak desa. Saat melakukan penilaian saya cukup sulit karena kostum yang mereka kenakan bagus dan unik – unik. Ini pengalaman saya yang luar biasa,” ujar Jannah mahasiswi Ilmu Komunikasi tersebut.

Koordinator KKN-T Desa Semambung, Mokhammad Ridlo’i menambahkan, ia selalu menjalin komunikasi dengan warga guna mempermudah dalam menjalankan programnya.
“Selama berlangsungnya acara kami banyak berkomunikasi secara langsung dengan masyarakat desa semambung. Hal ini mempermudah kami untuk mengenal lebih dalam tentang culture dan kebiasaan masyarakat desa dengan harapan hal ini dapat mempermudah kami dalam menjalankan program – program yang telah kami persiapkan sebelumya,” ujar Ridhoi
Hal tersebut mendapat respon positif oleh perangkat desa setempat, Kepala Desa Semambung, Jainuri berharap supaya kegiatan ini dapat menumbuhkan keharmonisan antara mahasiswa dengan masyarakat.
“Semoga kegiatan ini dapat mempererat tali silaturrahmi antar masyarakat desa semambung serta dapat mengasah kreatifitas masyarakat desa serta dapat memberikan peluang untuk mahasiswa KKN-T UMSIDA agar semakin dekat dengan masyarakat seperti keluarga sendiri,” pungkas Kepala Desa Semambung.(rizky/jane)
[:en]UMSIDA.AC.ID – Umsida KKN-T group in collaboration with Karang Taruna Semambung Village held a carnival to enliven the 74th anniversary of Indonesian independence. This will certainly create harmony between students and the community. Located in the Semambung Village Hall, the carnival was attended by the entire Semambung village community, which was divided into 5 teams from each RW and institutions in the village such as TK and TPQ. Their enthusiasm is depicted through a variety of creative clothing used by all participants to have their own costume themes ranging from Struggle, Unity in Diversity, Recycling, and Mass Marriage (8/18/2019)
At that moment, UMSIDA Student Community Service Program was given the opportunity to open a road in a carnival event. This makes them happy and flattered because they have the trust of the community to lead the group.
“I am very honored because I was chosen as one of the 3 judges determined by the village. When doing the assessment I was quite confused because the costumes they wore were good and unique – unique. This is my extraordinary experience, “said Jannah, a Communication Science student.
An atmosphere of festive Carnival, in commemorating the Republic of Indonesia’s Independence day
Coordinator of KKN-T Semambung Village, Mokhammad Ridlo’i added, he always established communication with residents to make it easier to run the program.
“During the event we communicated a lot directly with the people in the village as continuously. This makes it easier for us to get to know more about the culture and habits of village communities in the hope that this will make it easier for us to run programs that we have prepared before, “said Ridho
This was received positively by the local village apparatus, the Village Head of Semambung, Jainuri hoped that this activity could foster harmony between students and the community.
“Hopefully this activity can strengthen the relationship between village communities as well and can hone the creativity of village communities and can provide opportunities for UMSIDA KKN-T students to be closer to the community such as their own families,” concluded the Head of Semambung Village. (Rizky / jane)[:]