[:id]Umsida.ac.id – Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo gelar The 2nd Call For Papers 2019 International; Conference of Law and Business, Social Science(10/10). Bertajuk Syncronization of Business, Law and Social Sciences to Anticipate the Industry 4.0 Impact in 2025. Dalam sambutan pertama, Wisnu P. Setiyono, SE, MSi, Ph.D, Dekan Fakultas Bisnis, Hukum, dan Ilmu Sosial menyampaikan, “Semoga peserta dari berbagai Fakultas bisa menguasai multikultural yang dinamis.”
Acara yang dilaksanakan oleh Fakultas Bisnis, Hukum dan Ilmu Sosial(FBHIS) Umsida ini dibuka langsung oleh Eko Hardiansyah MPsi Psikolog, Wakil Rektor III Umsida. Acara ini berlangsung meriah. Dalam kesempatannya, Eko Hardiansyah MPsi Psikolog mengatakan, “Semoga melalui seminar ini, ke depannya kita dapat memberikan kontribusi yang lebih baik untuk Indonesia. Baik dari segi ekonomi, Hukum ataupun Ilmu Sosial,” pungkasnya.
Di Auditorium KH Ahmad Dahlan ini, Mohammad Adam Jerusalem PhD, Bendahara Majelis Diktilitbang PP Muhammadiyah hadir sebagai keynote speaker. Ia berharap nantinya seluruh kampus dapat terintegrasi secara sistem dan teknologi (Smart Campus). Selain itu, Prof Johny Jeremias, Assoc Prof Pensri Jaroenwanit PhD, Prof Ishak Yussof dan Dr Luftsiana Abdullah SH MH turut hadir dalam Planary Session dengan memaparkan tema-tema yang menarik untuk disimak oleh mahasiswa Umsida, khususnya mahasiswa Fakultas Bisnis, Hukum dan Ilmu Sosial (FBHIS).
Mohammad Chandra Bachtiar Effendi Mahasiswa Prodi Hukum semester tiga ini mengaku senang mengikuti seminar tersebut. Ia mengatakan, “Melalui seminar ini, selain mendapat ilmu juga mendapat pengalaman baru mengingat pemateri memaparkan tema-tema menarik menggunakan Bahasa Inggris,” ujarnya. (real/inka)[:en]Umsida.ac.id – Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo holds The 2nd Call For Papers 2019 International; Conference of Law and Business, Social Science (10/10). Entitled Syncronization of Business, Law and Social Sciences to Anticipate the Industry 4.0 Impact in 2025. In the first remarks, Wisnu P. Setiyono, SE, MSi, Ph.D, Dean of the Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences said, “Hopefully, participants from various faculties can master dynamic multiculturalism. ”
The event which was held by Umsida’s Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences (FBHIS) was opened by Eko Hardiansyah MPsi Psychologist, Deputy Rector III Umsida. This event took place lively. On his occasion, Eko Hardiansyah MPsi Psychologist said, “Hopefully through this seminar, in the future we can make a better contribution to Indonesia. Both in terms of economics, law or social science, “he concluded.
In the KH Ahmad Dahlan Auditorium, Mohammad Adam Jerusalem PhD, Treasurer of the PP Muhammadiyah Diktilitbang Assembly was present as the keynote speaker. He hopes that later the entire campus can be integrated system and technology (Smart Campus). In addition, Prof. Johny Jeremias, Assoc Prof. Pensri Jaroenwanit PhD, Prof. Ishak Yussof and Dr. Luftsiana Abdullah SH MH were also present in the Planary Session by describing interesting themes to be listened to by Umsida students, especially students of the Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences (SH) FBHIS).
Mohammad Chandra Bachtiar Effendi, a third semester student at the Law Study Program, said he was happy to attend the seminar. He said, “Through this seminar, in addition to gaining knowledge also gained new experience considering the speakers explained interesting themes using English,” he said. (real / inka)[:]