[:id]Yuli Astutik MPd, seperti yang telah diberitakan sebelumnya, mempresentasikan hasil penelitiannya yang berjudul Indonesian Pre-service Teacher’s Cognition in Teaching English to Young Learners.
Dosen sekaligus Ketua Program Studi (Kaprodi) PBI itu mengaku, “Penelitian ini dilakukan lantaran fenomena kebijakan pemerintah melalui kementrian pendidikan dan kebudayaan tentang mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai muatan lokal di tingkat sekolah dasar (SD) di kurikulum 2013,” ujarnya pada umsida press usai melakukan presentasi dihadapan peserta dari berbagai negara (28/06/2019).
“Banyak mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris dari berbagai universitas di Indonesia menempuh matakuliah English for Young Learners (EYL) sebagai konsentrasinya, walaupun mereka juga menyadari bahwa tidak ada a good career opoortunity sebagai guru bahasa Inggris di SD,” paparnya menceritakan latar belakang risetnya itu.
Penelitian itu dilakukan dalam waktu 3 semester untuk membandingkan perbedaan motivasi atau pemikiran mahasiswa terhadap matakulah EYL1, EYL2 dan EYL3. Hasilnya, alasan mahasiswa (preservice teacher) sangat bervariasi baik akademik maupun non akademik. “Mahasiswa yang mengambil matakuliah EYL dengan alasan akademik umumnya ingin tahu lebih dalam tentang pengajaran bahasa Inggris dan ingin jadi Guru bahasa Inggris untuk Young learner, sementara yang lainnya menempuh matakuliah tersebut karna memenuhi SKS saja,” ungkapnya.
Menariknya setelah semua preservice teachers tersebut menyelesaikan matakuliah hingga EYL 3 atau pada semester terakhir terlihat banyak perubahan pemikiran dan kepercayaan mereka terhadap profesi guru bahasa Inggris di SD. “Jadi mahasiswa yang mulanya ingin jadi guru bahasa inggris saat mengambil matakuliah EYL, mereka malah sangat depresi saat berhadapan langsung dengan siswa SD dan berubah haluan, sementara yang Cuma ingin memenuhi SKS saja saat praktik malah enjoy,” ujar Yuli Astutik sambil tertawa.
Mahasiswa yang ingin menjadi guru EYL tersebut sejatinya memahami peraturan kemendikbud, namun mereka beralasan bahwa Bahasa Inggris merupakan suatu hal yang prestigious di Indonesia. Banyak orang tua yang mengirimkan putra putrinya ke lembaga kursus atau bahkan mendatangkan guru private bahasa Inggris. “Selain itu, mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris selayaknya memang diberikan sejak SD untuk membekali siswa memperoleh mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris di tingkat sekolah menengah nantinya” tuturnya. (Real)[:en]Yuli Astutik MPd, as previously reported, presented the results of her research entitled Indonesian Pre-service Teacher’s Cognition in Teaching English to Young Learners.
The lecturer and Chair of the PBI Study Program admitted, “This research was conducted because of the phenomenon of government policy through the ministry of education and culture about English language subjects as local content at the elementary school level in the 2013 curriculum,” she said to the press office after make presentations to participants from various countries (28/06/2019).
“Many English Language students from various universities in Indonesia took the English for Young Learners (EYL) course as their concentration, although they also realized that there was no good career opportunity as an English teacher in elementary schools,” she explained about his research background.
The study was conducted in 3 semesters to compare the differences in motivation or thinking of students towards the subject of EYL1, EYL2 and EYL3. As a result, the preservice teacher’s reasons varied greatly both academically and non-academically. “Students who take EYL courses for academic reasons generally want to know more about teaching English and want to become an English teacher for Young learners, while others take the course because they only fulfill SKS,” she said.
Interestingly, after all of the preservice teachers completed courses in EYL 3 or in the last semester, there were many changes in their thinking and belief in the profession of English teachers in elementary school. “So students who originally wanted to be English teachers while taking EYL courses, they were even very depressed when dealing directly with elementary students and changing course, while those who just wanted to fulfill SKS when they were practicing enjoyed it,” she laughed.
Students who want to become EYL teachers actually understand the Ministry of Education and Culture regulations, but they reason that English is a prestigious thing in Indonesia. Many parents send their sons and daughters to institute courses or even bring in private English teachers. “In addition, English subjects should indeed be given since elementary school to equip students to obtain English subjects at the secondary school level later,” she said. (Real)[:]